The mortgage calculator in this example takes in monthly income, bills, rent, percentage rate, and mortgage term. 实例中的抵押计算器接收月收入、账单、租金、百分比例和抵押期限。
Monthly principal and interest payment based on your original mortgage amount, term and interest rate. 根据贷款总额,年期与利率计算出的每月本金和利息付款。
Last week, the Fed announced the latest variant in its home-spun version of ZIRP: the so-called 'twist' operation, a move that sees it purchasing long-term bonds and mortgage securities, in place of short-term term debt and government bonds. 近期,美联储宣布实施“扭转”操作美国版零利率政策的最新表现形式:即购买长期债券和抵押贷款证券,并卖出短期债券和政府债券。
The Fed chairman said then that the main cause of this was probably the decline in mortgage rates, which he said was tied to a general decline in long-term interest rates. 这位美联储主席当时曾表示,造成这一现象的主要原因或许是抵押贷款利率的降低,而这与长期利率的总体下降分不开。
However, a second strand of ideas calls for the state subsidy to be maintained, both to ensure stability in the short term and to guarantee that the mortgage market remains liquid and homogenous in the long term. 然而,第二种意见则呼吁维持政府补贴,这既是为了确保短期的稳定,也是为了保证抵押贷款市场在长期内保持流动性和同质性。
The method for the mortgage of housing to individuals will be amended and the term extended. 修改个人住房抵押贷款办法,期限延长。
Real estate market is one market that has periodicity, individual housing mortgage has the following characteristics: long term, small amount, and lenders multiplicity. 房地产市场具有周期性,并且贷款期限长,每笔贷款数额小,贷款人分散,这对习惯批发业务的我国商业银行来说是一个挑战。
With growing of our country's credit, specially of the estate mortgage, the constitution of the banks 'assets and liabilities presented perennial assets and short-term liabilities, which led to the financial risk extremely center on the banking house. 随着我国信贷资产的不断扩大,尤其是住房抵押贷款规模的迅速扩大,银行的资产负债结构呈现出资产长期化、负债短期化的趋势,使得金融风险过度集中在金融机构中。
The first-class market of housing mortgage credit is a creative process, the second-class market aims at selling mortgage and reselling mortgage, it also provides the first& class market with long-term and stable funds. 住房贷款抵押一级市场是抵押贷款活动的创造过程,二级市场是指销售抵押和转售抵押。二级市场可以为一级市场提供稳定长期的资金来源。
To study the combined housing mortgage loan, we established a theory model for it. Through this model, we can work out the term of loan, the repayment of capital and interest every year. 为此,试图建立一个考虑居民收入增长的个人住房抵押组合贷款理论模型,通过该理论模型可以确定合理的贷款期限以及各年的还本付息额。
To balance the interests of mortgage party, we must establish mortgage term system. 为平衡抵押各方当事人利益,应建立抵押权期限制度。
In order to bring into its play, we should understand and set up mortgage term Properly, solving the problem of dividing mortgage between housing and land, and the conflict between mortgage and administrative power. 要充分发挥房地产抵押的作用,就必须正确理解和设置房地产抵押期限,妥善解决房、地分开抵押以及抵押权与行政权的冲突问题。
As the basis; ( 2) To adjust the subsequently annual mortgage loan interest rate by using M-T-M model to confirm the alteration of value of the mortgage loan which related with the prepayment risk and term structure of interest rate in national debt market. 应用M-T-M模型,根据考虑了住房贷款提前清偿风险、国债市场利率期限结构的住房贷款价值的变动情况对贷款初期利率进行年度的定价调整。
When purchasing house, the main way to finance for Chinese urban residents is individual housing mortgage loan. The amount and term are the two important items of mortgage loan. 我国居民购买住房时的主要融资途径是个人住房抵押贷款,个人住房抵押贷款金额和期限是其两个重要指标。
Mortgage is not a formal legal term in China, and the regulation is scattered. 到现在为止按揭在我国还不是一个正式的法律术语,并且有关按揭的规定也都是零散地分布在各种法律法规之中。
It means when the residents chose personal housing mortgage loans as a means of financing, interest rate has a significant impact on house buyers behavior and the higher interest rate, the less total amount and loan term. 这表明居民在选择个人住房抵押贷款作为融资手段进行购房的时候,利率的变化对于我国居民家庭购房产生了重要的影响,贷款利率的上升会导致居民家庭降低住房贷款总金额以及减少还款期限。
The fourth part, based on existing problems in the mortgage, inheritance, contribution, the contracting term pasture put forward the Suggestions for improving the contracted management and supporting measures. 第四部分,针对存在问题,在抵押、继承、入股、承包期限等方面提出草牧场承包经营权完善的建议及配套措施。
Mortgage has so many advantages, such as high profits, long term and low risk, that become the focus of competition among the commercial bank. 其利润高,期限长,风险较低的特点,使其成为各商业银行市场竞争的焦点。